Thursday, April 29, 2010

Public Lewdness, and Sodomy, and Arrests, OH MY!!!!

This guy, who I know from that place that didn't invent the chicken, just the chicken sandwich, and hubby knows from the department store they both worked at, was arrested. Rewind several days, to the story in the news about 3 men being arrested for public lewdness at a boat dock restroom in the city. Now fastforward to Tuesday, when hubby called to tell me it was Mr Shoe Salesman!! What, exactly, does this mean? Were they "just" (?) Exposing themselves, or more? I told hubby that if I were Mr. SS's wife, he wouldn't get bailed outta jail before the next day, for his safety! It's just so disturbing! And the other 2 men he was with were so gross! (As if it would be okay if they were clean, shaven, and not nasty) not to mention, dude, you're nearing 50 - go HOME to do that!
Then, when I got home after midnight, I sat down with the paper, and another rumor was confirmed - a really creepy guy from high school was convicted of sodomy. The victim was his stepdaughter. This guy was always creepy, I mean from the time we were like 10.
So today, after a crazy day at work, I'm just hoping to NOT see any familiar mug shots or read about another sex offender. Got another probable crazy day tomorrow, a busy weekend, then I'll work Monday and HIT THE ROAD!!!!! We've had to change our plans a little. We're going to Memphis first, then Nashville. Someone who will remain nameless (hubby) waited until last night to book a room, and the hotel in Nashville was booked Tuesday and Wednesday. Eh, who cares, we're not big planners! ;)

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