Wednesday, November 3, 2010


** I'm freezing. With flannel sheets, one of those soft/fuzzy hotel blankets, a comforter, and wrapped in a fuzzy lap blanket, and sweatpants and a longsleeved tshirt, I'm laying in bed freezing. But we will NOT turn on the heat just yet. Because we may need the air again any day now. This is the time of year we just let the heat/air rest, and freeze or sweat, depending on the season of the day.
** I'm up late. 2 things I wanted to watch on tv, I made it through half of the second one. I've been falling into bed between 7:30 and 9:30 the past couple weeks.
** My stomach hates me. But the scales are thrilled that I either have to eat something bland, or stay near a restroom for a while. Thinking it's stress, but...
** Adding up everything makes me wonder if I should be making an appt. But where? With whom? And when?
** 4 vacation days. Trying to find a time when I can get away from stupid work.
** I've typed this all with one eye open, and it's about to close. Spell check will have to wait.
**Good night!

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