Saturday, April 7, 2007

Introduction, and the beginning of the Insanity

So, after reading about 85 million infertility blogs, here I am with my own! For starters, I'm not really married yet, at least not until next month, but it was a lot easier to describe my blog as being married now, rather than having to change it in a month.... Not that I would remember to change it, and that would just be weird.... Dated DH 4 years, except for that 3-month-period in which I told him not to even speak to me about dating, marriage, etc, until he could make up his mind and was ready to get married, for sure, with a house, and a date set. Some nerve, most people thought, but eventually he came around.
We are both Christians. I will refer to God a lot, because without Him, I am nothing. Christianity is an important part in our lives. You don't have to agree with me on everything or anything, but please respect my beliefs in my blog, and I will respect your beliefs in yours. :)
The beginning of the insanity..... I guess really the insanity began when we started dating. About 2 years into the relationship, he told me he had known for several years that he could not possibly bear children. I had dreamed all my life of marrying my prince, having all the babies I wanted, and living happily-ever-after with a white picket fence. Usually when God is trying to drop hints to me, He ends up hitting me in the head with something really big and painful, and this was no exception. (You think I'm kidding -- the time before that it was an 88-thousand-lb 18-wheeler in the rear!!) I realized that God had been dropping hints all throughout my life, that I was called from the beginning to adopt. I do believe that adoption is a calling, and (I may be biased) it does take a special person with a special heart to adopt.
Not really sure just how much I'll reveal about why we're infertile or the juicy details of his life, but I'll be pretty open about my own, without revealing too many details. I'll probably post a lot about my nephews and niece, and whatever the next 2 babies are (yes, I, the Forever Infertile Bride, will have 2 T-W-O pregnant bridesmaids), because I am THE Fun Aunt. They're always saying or doing something so darned funny, and after all, they are like our children, because they are the closest thing to biological children we will ever have.
So, really in this blog, I've told you nothing, yet I've told you everything. You'll probably find all of my postings to be rambling and not very coherent, I assure you I am not always this way, but the only time I am online is way too late when I should be asleep. Ah, the price you pay for a little privacy!!
So... I'm getting married next month (4 weeks from tomorrow actually!!), we already know there will be no biological children... Oh yes, more details.... A very limited number of people know about this (like immediate family and one or two close friends is it) because we're not married yet, so unless ya know the details, ya wonder why/how we already know about our infertility (no, we haven't "tried" to have children yet!) I would love to talk about it and to let more people know, because it's tough to talk about adoption and answer questions like "Why are you not wanting to have 'your own' kids?" or not stab peoples' eyeballs out when they lecture you about how EVERY female should at least have ONE biological child, I mean you just HAVE to, I KNOW you will change your mind when you get married!! I want to adopt from Ukraine, Russia, Vietnam, or possible somewhere else. He objected at first, then decided he would rather risk his life on an airplane than go through testing/procedures it would take to determine what we already know (at which point it was obvious why men are not the ones giving birth... they are wimps)... I have serious issues with DHR in our area, and darned near absolutely refuse to even think about fostering, but also understand that it works for lots of people, and applaud and respect all foster parents. Hhmmm Okay enouhg random details....
Lastly, I'll introduce you to most of my cast of characters you'll be hearing about frequently....

  • DH -- that's Dear Hubby or whatever... He's slow, always late, and makes the weirdest associations about things, usually sticks his foot in his mouth, but ya gotta love the guy!! Awesome sense of humor, loves to pick on me (I pick back), also thoughtful at times and sensitive-but-not-too-sensitive. I'm very much in love with my sweetie!!
  • My parents -- titles yet to be determined.... Probably Mom and Dad or something.... Mom - loud, opinionated, and right, dang it!! Dad - honest, protective, hard-working.... Love them both and they have been great parents, even if over-protective.
  • OS and B-I-L -- older sister and brother-in-law.... Was like a second Mom growing up, now we're more like friends. Athletic, able to beat up the boys in school and embarass them on the basketball court.
  • YS and B-I-L -- younger sister and her hubby.... Argh, don't get me started... I love her because she's my sister, I can ssay anything I want to, but don't you dare talk about her, or I swear I WILL beat you up!!! Some things none of us ever outgrew....
  • S-I-L and B-I-L -- DH's sister and b-i-l.... Sweet girl, love her to death!!! b-i-l is athletic and hates chocolate! Both fun to be around.
  • In-Laws -- DH's parents.... Love them too.
  • Oldest Nephew -- almost 4, calls me the Fun Aunt, likes me to take him to the movies, park, playground in Hell, anywhere!!! Lots of funny stories.
  • Middle Nephew -- Oldest Nephew's brother, soon-to-be midle child, which explains the bond we have shared from the beginning. almost 1.
  • Youngest Nephew -- name to be changed in the fall... Just 7 months, like to eat and sleep and laugh.
  • Only Niece -- DH's niece, name likely to be changed in the fall.
  • Two more niece/nephew (s) to be added when we find out what they are. OS and S-I-L are about 3 weeks apart, due in November.

Hell.... That's just what I frequently call my current place of employment. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am a top-college-graduate, working in a quick-service restaurant (read: top-notch fast food place).... You can tell how much I love my job, which hopefully will change after we're married. Started out as a college job, but when ya major in just-keep-on-and-get-your-master's, I mean Psychology, and minor in let's-go-play-some-games, I mean Recreation, and live in a small town, your option are limited.... So until I decide what I really want to be when I grow up, or just find something with day time hours, Monday-Friday, I'm stuck.... Needed the insurance until I'm married and get on DH's costs-less-but-worth-more plan.

Uh, yeah.... This is kinda long and probably doesn't really say much, but things will get more interesting from here, I promise!! Oh, and.... Ignore any typos, I'm not ignorant, I'm just too lazy to go back and make changes if I miss them the first time!!

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